
Personal Page: Polishpeony16

Contact Polishpeony16
All surnames Zabawski, Puscizna, Pelc, Przygoda
All places Borek Wielki, Sedziszow Malopolski, Poland, Kobylanka, Dominikowice, Gorlice, Poland, Slocina, Rzeszow, Poland, Lomza, Ostrow Mazowiecka, Poland
Research notes All of my grandparents immigrated to the United States from Poland in the early 1900's. Unfortunatley, I only knew one of them and they did not leave much information for me to use. I have always been interested in finding my European roots and connecting with family. I hope to one day be able to visit my villages.  I have been researching for 25 years and have trees on Ancestry.com, 23andMe.com, and Familysearch.org