
Personal Page: samueltomkelski

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Research notes Hello my name is Samuel,


I'm mapping my entire family tree and looking for records of my ancestors.


My first ancentral who went from Poland to Brazil was called Wicenty Tomkielski. However, he was 13 years old when he arrived in Brazil in 1890.


He arrived with his parents Franciszek Tomkielski and Katarzyna Wiśniewska (maiden name) and his brothers Adam, Antoni and Wladyslaw Tomkielski.


I found Vincent's baptism in Gósjk, his father's baptism and his parents' marriage in Ligowo.


But I would like to find some voting title record, military card, school record, work record.....something that proves their residency.


Wicenty got married in Brazil to Maryanna Rychevski, also born in Poland. However, it has a lot of inconsistency in Brazilian records and I cannot find the original spelling of the surname.


I only know that she was born in 1883 and of hers most of hers were called Samuel and Carolina.