
Personal Page: Therese

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All surnames Sobczak
All places Gasiorow, Kolo
Research notes My grandfather John (Jan) Majewski was born in Poland on 12/24/1913 just after his father (Josef Majewska/i) left for America on the SS Ryndam out of Rotterdam on 8/23/1913.  It was 10 years later that he met his father for the first time after sailing to America with his mother, Wladyslawa Sobczak (6/27/1896).  There was no talk of relatives in Poland or what might have happened to them.  Stories told were that my great grandmother had been disowned for marrying someone of a lower station.  My grandfather reminisced of living in the servant quarters of a large property with peacocks.  And the older gentleman who owned the property carved him wood toys.