
Personal Page: afsec9

Contact afsec9
All surnames Rux, Rix, Gerdel, Tetzlaff, Ringhand, Raddatz, Stehnke, Schwenike, Krger, Bdnik, Riks, Dahlke
All places Sossnow, Zempelburg, Borowke, Zempelkowo, Vandsburg, Tarnowke, Gross Tonin, Grnthal, Waldowo, Seplno Krajenskie, Gross Wollwitz, Cammin, Osowke, Wisocka, Tuchel, Sosno
Research notes I am interested in working with known cousins with surnames as listed in my surnames listing in my profile. I am an advanced researcheer in the USA. My family emigrated from West Prussia to the USA starting in 1874. My family lived in an around Zempelburg and Vandsburg in the 1800s. I have tested my DNA extensively through FamilyTreeDNA.com using Family Finder and 23andMe.com using Ancestry Finder. I have a website at http://www.scottmsimon.net if you think you are related please contact me personally at [email protected] and best wishes.
Scott Simon
Clarksville,Tennessee, USA