
Personal Page: tmurdock6

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All surnames Marusarz, Bartoszek, Mrowca
All places Czarny Dunajec, Maruszyna
Research notes I am doing research on my Husband's Father's family.  HIs father was Jan Marusarz and he was born 28 Jun 1895 in Czarny Dunajec, he came to the United States in 1913, we do not know his parents names but know that he had at least one sister, Wiktoria Bartoszek and two brothers Andrzej and Josef.  His father never spoke a lot about his family in Poland but we do have a box of letters written in Polish that were sent mainly from Maruszyna.  We have had some of them translated but they do not list many names and there are none listing his parents names, we also have some pictures, at least one of them is of his mother but again there are no names, if anyone out there is researching this family or has any suggestions on where to start this research it would be greatly appreciated