
Personal Page: TMatyskela

Contact TMatyskela
All surnames Matyskiela, Matyskiel, Matyszkiel, Matyskielowa, Kondratowicz, Parejko, Pawelko, Dreliszak, Andraczka, Haraczy, Heltezka, Szygienda, Ostapowicz, Tomaszewski, Zukowsi, Matyskella
All places Jaziewo, Chmieliki, Jaminy, Zabiele, Suchowola, Suwalki, Leszczany
Research notes Hello!  I've been researching the surname Matyskiela for about 15 years.   There are several branches within the United States and all come from the same area in Poland.  My hope is to discover how we are all related.

I realize Matyskella is not the proper spelling of our name, but it was used in this manner by the Matyskielas that settled in Ohio - I am desperately trying to find information on Anielia Matyskella who was born in 1811 and died in 1926.  She married twice (possibly both men were named Matyskiela as I've seen her husband listed on her death certificate as Boleslaw Matyskiela - however on her son Adam's death certificate, the father is listed as Adam Matyskiela Sr.) and had 12 children.  I imagine learning who they are would provide me with a lot of much needed info!