Research notes
Matias Bureiza, along with wife, Rosalia (Sowa) and children lest Boronow, Silesia and immigrated first to Paris, Ontario, Canada and then to Parisville, Huron county, Michigan about 1855. Matias was one of the original pioneers of this America's oldest Polish village. Five of Matias' daughters married the most predominate names in Parisville: Kucharczyk, Pawlowski, Respondek, Susalla and Warczak. His sons married Bochnia, Mazure, Czarnowski, and Suida. Lost two children, Franz, born 1829 and Franczka, born 1832.
I am always trying to connect with descendants of Matias Buriza. especially his son Charles, born 1838. He last appears in the 1880 .
The full story of the Bureiza family appears in the Summer 2007 issue of the "Polish Eaglet", journal of the Polish Genealogical Society of Michigan See Blog below for a copy.
Some of my research on the Ulfik surname has been printed on the Blog of Sojna Nishimoto.