Personal Page: zamagurie
Contact | zamagurie |
All surnames | Piotrowska, Zasuwa, Piatek, Kusmirczek, Siedmiorka, Sapielak, Piotrowska, Zasuwa, Piatek, Kusmirczek, Siedmiorka, Sapielak |
All places | Skotniki, Poland, Bogoryia, Poland, Sandomierz, Poland, Domaradzice, Poland, Miechocin, Poland, Szewce, Poland, Skotniki, Poland, Bogoryia, Poland, Sandomierz, Poland, Domaradzice, Poland, Miechocin, Poland, Szewce, Poland |
Research notes |
Able to do paid for genealogical services ON SITE in the Podhale Region. See This is my personal line. I have done research in Skotniki and Bogoryia personally; added paid for genealogy by Polish researchers. I am a professional genealogist with hands-on experience as to record availability and private collection of records from these villages. Seeking connections to these lines to identify genealogically proven relations for possible DNA testing as part of an academic project. PLEASE contact. This could be a win-win! |