Personal Page: Jean Danielski
Contact | Jean Danielski |
All surnames | Danielski, Lenda, Lende, Bartnick, Bartnik, Koszarski, Zawrotna, Nierzejowska, Zawislak, Miezejewski, Niczjewski, Krzytowczyk |
All places | Obryte County Warszawa, Lipniki County Lomza, Zasow, Roza, Galacia |
Research notes |
Lots of trouble reading the polish names and not sure about the spellings I have provided. I couldn't find any info at the Mormon library in SLC for the names of Danielski. Lenda (Lende), Barntick (Bartnik) or Koszarski. I didn't have time to try the other ones. My son thinks that the Lenda/Lende name is Jewish. Lots of questions and would appreciate any info anyone else may have on any of these names. Thank you |