
Personal Page: Jean Danielski

Contact Jean Danielski
All surnames Danielski, Lenda, Lende, Bartnick, Bartnik, Koszarski, Zawrotna, Nierzejowska, Zawislak, Miezejewski, Niczjewski, Krzytowczyk
All places Obryte County Warszawa, Lipniki County Lomza, Zasow, Roza, Galacia
Research notes Lots of trouble reading the polish names and not sure about the spellings I have provided. I couldn't find any info at the Mormon library in SLC for the names of Danielski. Lenda (Lende), Barntick (Bartnik) or Koszarski. I didn't have time to try the other ones. My son thinks that the Lenda/Lende name is Jewish. Lots of questions and would appreciate any info anyone else may have on any of these names.

Thank you