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All surnames Maj, Kulak, Drag
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Research notes Trying to locate the village where Jakub Maj immigrated from in Galicia (Austria).  The LDS website has his entry as Jakob Maj (Last Place of Residence - Gejnki. 

The 1910 census says:

Jacob Maj/Austria/Chicago Ward 17-Cook-Illinois/Immigration Year-1903/Father's Birthplace-Austria/Mother's Birthplace-Austria/ Other household:Kate Maj-Wife, Sophie Maj-Daughter, Martin Kulak, Kate Zelazo, Nellie Drag.

Jakub's married Kataryzna (Kate) Drag in Chicago shortly after arrival.  His mother was Mary Kulak & father, Jakub Maj.  Not sure if they came with him in 1903 at age 20.

Martin Kulak & Nellie Drag must be relatives.  Martin Kulak LDS entry states his last residence as Dzial, Austria.

They were all Roman Catholic.