Personal Page: larrywd
Contact | larrywd |
All surnames | Dorosz, Hawryskewich |
All places | Lipowiec, Skolin |
Research notes |
I am just starting to find out about our family. Unfortunately my father past away many years ago and there are few family connections left. So I'm left with a few letters and some notes showing a bit a family tree. Not sure if I will get very far but I have to try as there are grandchildren on the horizon. My grand father, Wasyl Dorosz, was a sargent in the horse cavalry and met his wife, Pasia Hawryskewich, while staying at her fathers home who was the mayor of Lipowiec village. Wasyl's father, Fedio, was also a mayor. He was the mayor of Skolin for 36 years. These villages are likely near or in Austria at that time period, 1870-1912. They married in 1902 and came to Canada in 1912 on the SS Zeeland. |