
Personal Page: rayboro

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All surnames Borowiak
All places Pozan, Poland
Research notes My name is Raymond Borowiak, I'm 72 years old and am working on the BOROWIAK FAMILY TREE.  First of all I would like to thank Pam Broviak for all the info she has provide me, it's way beyond a thank you. 

I am now looking for information on Valentinus Borowiak that married Michalina Polcyn or Polcyan.  Michalina was born 29 Sept. 1816.  The only child I have info on is Franciszek (Frank) Borowiak, born 27 Dec. 1857, in Pawtoxlio, Pozan, Poland.  He married Anna Lijewski in Wagrowiec, Pozen, Poland on 9 Feb. 1879. 

All information would be greatly appreciated.