
Personal Page: stargazer21659

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All surnames Gorecynska, Stuczka, Stuka, Bartosiewicz
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Research notes My great grandmother was Josephine Marianna Gorecynska, born in Poland. She married Matheus Stuczka (Matthew Stuka) from Hungary or Russia. This is info from the Passenger Arrival Record:
It shows that Matheus and the family were from Russian controlled Poland, in old woj. Suwal~ki (north of Warsaw), their mother tongue was Polish.
They immigrated to the U.S. June 9, 1901, and July 28, 1901, my grandfather was born in Jersey City, NJ, but the family lived in Hempstead, Long Island, NY after that.
Josephine died in April 1927 and Matheus died Christmas Day, 1927.
They had 5 kids while living in Poland. There was a fire that killed 4 of the kids, only 1 daughter survived. Her name was Kasimira (Caroline) b1892. "Carrie", as she was known, married an Ignatz (Ignacy) Bartosiewicz who was born in Poland. I am not sure where they married, but they settled in Argo, Cook County, IL and had 3 kids.
I have immigration and census records. If you are looking for this family, please contact me. I am looking for family in Poland, and trying to find out the names of the kids that died in the fire.