Personal Page: csienicki
Contact | csienicki |
All surnames | Sienicki, Skrypczak, Zukovsky, Czarmanski, Kraybiskrabis |
All places | Trynisze-kuniewo, Boguty-piank, Slupia Wielkopolska, Poznan, Prussia, Ostrow Mazowiecki |
Research notes |
Alexander Sienicki b. 16 Feb 1876, d. Sep 1970 m. about 1905 to Magdalena Skrypczak either in St. Louis, MO or Cicero, IL. They moved to Spencer, WI to set up farming. It is this lineage that I am tracing and have been able to trace Madgalena's line back to her ggrandparents in Prussia. I have come to a dead end with my grandfather's line. His ship's manifest states he's from Czyzow, Poland but I'm not sure I've got the right person. The date given as possible birth year doesn't match what I have, but neither does any of the census documents! I understand the data is only as good as the data takers hearing. No hard documentation exists as the family elders regarded the paperwork as clutter and disposed of it once the grandparents died off. I am disappoint to not have personal stories from the aunts and uncles or grandparents, but this has been a wonderful way to learn history through family research. I have no website but use Family Tree Maker and for data storage. I am a newbie as I've just started my search since December, 2008. |