Personal Page: sarna zaborowski
Contact | sarna zaborowski |
All surnames | Sarna, Zaborowski, Dominik, Swiatoj |
All places | Lubla, Motyka, Galicia |
Research notes |
1890's Sarna (Victoria) and Zaborowski (Frank (Franciszek)) came to Cleveland, Ohio and stayed in the area. Sarna came with brother and then he went back to Europe. Perhaps another brother came here and a sister? Mother had visit (Anna (Dominik) Sarna) in early 1900's? Victoria went back once home possible father death (Joseph Sarna). Marriage records 1898 said she was from villa Lubla, Galicia. Looking for Brother that she wrote back and forth with locations unknown. She thought he was dumb for leave America. Zaborowski came over with brothers and sisters and possible father Stanislaw (Stanislaus) Zaborowski. at least one brother moved to texas Jan(John). other sibling Michael, Stanley, Mary, Pauline, Marget, Joseph..some might be half sibling. It was told that Stanislaw got remarried and perhaps younger children are half. Frank mother was Catherine Swiatoj. Marriage record said he was from villa (Hurra or (Kurra)sp?) Motyka, parachia Debied, Galicia |