Personal Page: GerriKos
Contact | GerriKos |
All surnames | Kosmalski, Pienkowski, Pomykacz, Michalik, Marcinek |
All places | Roztoka, Kleczew, Wola Lubecka, Ryglice |
Research notes |
I have found my Kosmalski Family in Roztoka, Poland (Gmina Kleczew) but cannot find the marriage of Ludwik Kosmalski and Veronica Pienkowski about 1864-65. Maybe the marriage was recorded in a different Gmina? My Pomykacz Family was from Wola Lubecka / Ryglice area - 1880's / 1890's. Great-grandparents: Szymon Pomykacz and Ludovica Michalik. I am unable to find any info on my grandfather - John Pomykacz born about 1888. |