Research notes
My grandfather, Gabriel Dec, was born in Bartne, Poland (Austria-Hungary/ Galicia) in 1880 to Jan and Anna (Steranka) Dec. Anna was his second wife with whom he had two sons, Gabriel and Maxim (the younger). I do not knew his first wife's name but I do know they had three children: Victor, born around 1864-68; Maria (date of birth unknown); and another son (possibly Jan or John). Vicktor, Gabriel and Maxim immigrated to the US. I do not know if the others came. Victor and Maxim were known as Decho. Victor lived in Illinois; Maxim in Seymour, Connecticut. Gabriel, known as Harry Dechio, married Anna Chwalek. They settlled in Derby, Connecticut and raised six children of whom my father, Peter, was the third born (1912). I am looking for information on the Dec family in Poland...or in that general area as some have said they originated from Germany (possibly Prussia). |