
Personal Page: larrybeyna

Contact larrybeyna
All surnames Prus, Samborski, Bejnarowicz
All places Wilno, Bobowa, Pinsk, Baczalka, Baczalka, Rzeszow, Poland
Research notes I am researching the origins of my four grandparents, all of whom emigrated to the U.S. around the turn of the 20th Century.  Specifically, I am trying to get information on the following:  Joseph/Josef Prus, son of John Prus and ___, all born in Bobowa, Poland; Angeline/Aniela/Angela Samborska, daughter of Leonardus Samborski and Maria Torharz, and born in Baczalka (near Warsaw); Stanislaw/Stanislaus/Stanley Bejnarowicz, son of Rudolph Bejnarowicz and born in Wilno (or Pinsk); and Antonina/Antonia/Antoinette Bejnarowicz (nee ____).