
Personal Page: Allen Phillips

Contact Allen Phillips
All surnames Filip, Biala, Bachta, Dee
All places Rakszawa, Rzeszow, Raszowa
Research notes I am looking for family members in poland. My grandfather immigrated form poland in 1907, His name was Wojciech Filip,he was born 3/28/1882. His parents were Michata Filip and Kataryn Bachta. He lived in Rakszowa Galacia.  My Grandmother also immigrated with him Her name was Antonina Biala or Biata,she was born in 1889, Her parents were Jana Biala or Biata and her mother was Kataryn Dee. Anyn help is appreciated. They came here in the German ship Seydlitz and arrived on Novemebr 17, 1907.

I am also looking for any records that may still exist.