
Personal Page: ALS

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All surnames Sobolewski, Kurbiel
All places Rudawka, Sokolka, Bialystok
Research notes I am looking for relatives of my grandparents

Stefan Sobolewski and Zuzanna Kurbiel.

I believe they had 6 children one of which was my father Stanislaw Sobolewski born 01.01.1910

They had a farm near Rudawka

Stanislaw was arrested by the Russians in 1940. 

He was able to get to England in 1941 and was in 308 Squadron of the RAF.

He met my mother in England and then migrated to South Africa.

As a family we migrated to Australia in 1960.

My father Stanislaw died in 1967 when I was a teenager. 

Since neither I nor my mother speaks polish we have lost contact with the polish branch of the family.