
Personal Page: dianahill1

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All surnames Grocholski, Kulas, Klimek, Zachman, Sluchocke, Zucek
All places Kalin, Teodorowo, Ostra Mazawieska, Zwierzyce, Mohre, Lindenwald, Buderina, Buherina
Research notes My grandfather, John Grocholski, listed Kalin, Russia as his birthplace on several records. He also said he came from Galicia about 1902. I found a reference to a Kalin by Lancut but lost that site. Was Lancut ever known as Kalin or is or was  there a village in the area by this name. Grandfather Leon Kulas came from Teodorowo, near Ostraleka & had family at Ostra Mazawieska, one named Aniela Gromeki. Great grandfather Adam Sluchocke from Buderina ? Russia, Great Grandmother Zachman, from Lindenwald, Posen. Grandmother Klimek, from Zwierzyce, Austria