
Personal Page: fossilady

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All surnames Cyganek, Cyganski, Sloma, Betker, Koslowski, Kawalewski, Sczych, Knitter
All places Szaradowo, Kcynia, Poznan
Research notes Roman Cyganek. Born 1874 in Kcynia. Died 1941 in Chicago, ILL.

Married Mary Kozloski. Born 1874 in Illinois. Died 1921 in Chicago, ILL. Married 1895 in St. Joseph, Berrien, Michigan.

Roman's parents were Kazimirez Cyganek and Marianna Sloma (or Slominska). Kazimirez was born in 1849 and I do not have a death date. Marianna was born about 1850 and I do not have a death date. They were married in Szaradowo, Schubin, Posen, Prussia in June 1873.

I do not know of any other children. 

Roman came to America around 1893. Family history is that he fled Prussia because he did not want to be conscripted into the military that his father had fought against. I don't know how true this is though. I believe that some of his family was killed during German occupation during WWII. 


Mary Kozloski was the daughter of John or Jan Kozlowski and Frances Sczych. Frances was born in 1833 and died in 1922. She immigrated in 1871 and was settled in Chicago by 1880. I have no birth or death information for Jan. He also immigrated to Chicago in 1871 and lived there in 1880. Family history is that he was an orphan in Poland. 


Michael Betker was born in 1860 and died in 1947 (St. Cloud, Stearns, Minnesota). I have found three different immigration dates for him (1878, 1881, and 1885). Census records show that he was born in Germany, but he spoke Polish. 

His wife Julia was born around 1860, not sure when she died. I have three immigration dates for her as well (1881, 1882, 1889). Census records show that she was born in Germany, but she spoke Polish.