Personal Page: Lori Love
Contact | Lori Love |
All surnames | Doroba |
All places | Sedziszow Malopolski |
Research notes |
I started my research in the mid 1980s. I took 3 trips to Poland in the late 80s and early 90s. During my first trip, still under the communist system, only 10% of all households had telephones. There was one phonebook for the whole country, kept in the libraries. I wrote all the names and addresses of all the people with the family names I knew back then. I sent out dozens of letter back then with polish family group sheets and money for postage. I got back dozens of letter with stories, family sheets and photos. Most do not connect to me but they may, if I can find a common ancestor. I started a family and put everything in boxes for 27 years. I jumped back into the work in 2017 when my mom died and I got all her old pictures and letters. The world changed since I worked through sail mail! I started an on-line tree and realized how much information I may have for other people. All the old letters are from people that are mostly dead now. I am slowly sorting through them and putting them on-line in floating trees on Family search, with the photos and copies of their stories. I hope these letters will break through a wall for somebody. I will continue my own research and welcome communication from anyone else with an interest in any of the family names in common or small towns. I love this 'hobby' and hopfully, I live pleanty more years as I need them for my research! Lori Kondziolka, daughter of Ckester Kondziolka and Dolores Mechavich, granddaughter of Joseph Mechavich and Martha Tomporowski...John Kadziolka and Zofia Doroba [email protected] |