
Personal Page: tbchild41

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All surnames Fron, Wozniak, Jasiak, Kulasa, Skora, Bocek, Kustra, Plaza, Zimny, Chuchla, Jastrzebski, Bator, Sobkowicz, Sapa, Kielian, Bieszczad, Mucha, Stoklosa
All places Blazowa, Podkarpacie, Polska, Kakolowka, Podkarpacie, Polska, Skrzyszow, Male Polska, Polska, Tarnow, Male Polska, Polska, Hludno, Podkarpacie, Polska, Ropczyce, Podkarpacie, Polska
Research notes Both my parents [Jan Kulasa & Helen Jasiak] and my maternal grandmother [Ludwika(Louise) Jasiak nee Wozniak] and my paternal grandfather [Franciszek(Frank)Kiulasa] came from the Błazowa and Kąkolowka-Podkarpacie, Poland.  They emigrated to the USA eventually settling in East Chicago, Indiana. They  all passed away in Indiana.  My maternal grandfather [Wojciech(Albert) Jasiak was born in Skrzyszów, Male Polske, Poland. He also emigrated nd settled and died in East Chicago, Indiana. My paternal grandmother was born somewhere around Ropczyce, Podkarpacie, Poland and died in Błażowa, Podkarpacie, Poland. My mothers sister [Maria Bober nee Jasiak did not come to the USA. She married Jan Bober and lived in Kąkolówka, Podkarpcie, Poland and died in Rzeszów.  She had one daughter [Janina Micał nee Bober] who lived in Rzeszów, and was married to Władysław, Micał.  I have a lot of information about the Kulasa families, thanks o a gentleman from Poland that researched this name.

Theresa Child nee Kulasa