We have been pondering for some time now about the best way of sharing the adventures and emotions our guests experience on their genealogy tours. Many of them write short testimonials or longer stories later published on our blog. But we came up with another idea of short, a few sentence reports, enriched with a picture or two, which will be sharing with you here.
Of course, nothing will replace the actual feeling of discovering family roots, finding family land, or meeting with newly discovered cousins. Yet, we hope this way we will manage to give you at least the taste of what’s going on the ancestral trips. (The pictures and descriptions will follow all the privacy rules and we will not reveal any personal details nor faces without the explicit permission of our guests and families in Poland.)
See The first PolishOrigins’ field report ‘Grandfather with granddaughters in the parish office.’ on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PolishOrigins/photos/a.10151634539758900/10157673867163900/?type=3&theater and Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/B0V0KNHHtSi/
If you want to see more “‘field reports” in the future follow us on Facebook, Instagram or search for following phrases in social media: #POfieldreport #polishtours #polandtourism #genealogytours #polishgenealogy #polishancestry #tourismpoland #ancestraltours .