My tour with Zenon ended much too soon, but we spent 7 more days in Krakow and enjoyed the medieval …
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19. Shellie’s Tour to Ancestral Places. The last day.
Our last day in the village. The night before we left, we stopped by Jozef’s bell foundry to say goodbye. …
Continue reading18. Shellie’s Tour to Ancestral Places. Day 7, part 2.
Wow! What a great day! Tonight we went back to see my newly found cousin Vicktor. We made the mistake …
Continue reading17. Shellie’s Tour to Ancestral Places. Day 7.
Today has been the best day and it’s not even over yet! We traveled to Zakopane this morning to visit …
Continue reading16. Shellie’s Tour to Ancestral Places. Day 6.
On Wednesday, we traveled to Lusławice, where my grandfather was born! Luslawice is about 30 miles east of Krakow, so …
Continue reading15. Shellie’s Tour to Ancestral Places. Day 5.
On day 5 we On our next day, we took a drive west to Zywiec where Żywiec beer is made. …
Continue reading14. Shellie’s Tour to Ancestral Places. Day4.
The next morning we walked up to the church to watch the funeral procession arrive at the church. When the …
Continue reading13. Shellie’s Tour to Ancestral Places. Day3.
Day 3 was Sunday and we attended mass at the local church, St Mary Magdelene. It was quite a different …
Continue reading12. Shellie’s Tour to Ancestral Places. Day2.
Today we went for a drive through neighboring villages of Załuczne, Piekielnik and Jabłonka.
Continue reading11. Shellie’s Tour to Ancestral Places. Day1.
After an overnight stay in Brussels, we finally took off for Krakow. My first glimpse of Poland was from the …
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